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Black Diamond 18 mm Nylon Runner - 180 cm

18 mm Nylon Runner - 180 cm


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Durable sewn runners for anchors, traditional protection and extended placements.

Versatile sewn runners for building anchors, slinging natural features and extending placements on wandering routes, Black Diamond Nylon Runners offer durable and classic functionality. Each size is also color-coded for quick and easy identification on your harness.

Versatile, strong and durable nylon construction.

Retail price

US$ 14.95

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Weight (grams / ounces)

The weight as specified by the manufacturer, in grams and ounces.

125 g / 4.40 oz­
Length (cm / in) 180 cm (71 in)
Width (mm / in) 18mm (0.708 inches, a mm under 3/4")
Material(s) Nylon / Polyamide
Extra Feature(s) ­
Strength (kn) 22 kN

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