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Black Diamond HotWire 16cm Quickdraw

HotWire 16cm


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Our light, versatile draw that features the new updated HotWire wiregate carabiners which employ a hot-forged design for lighter-weight construction and a larger rope-bearing surface for greater durability on both the carabiner and your rope.

The Black Diamond HotWire Quickdraw gives full wiregate performance at a value. Featuring two updated HotWire wiregate carabiners that utilize a hot-forged lightweight construction and boast a larger rope-bearing surface for greater durability on both the carabiner and your rope, the HotWire Quickdraw comes with a durable 12 or 16 cm length, 18mm Polyester Dogbone which features our Straitjacket insert that keeps the bottom biner in the optimal clipping position, and a colored bottom biner for a visual target while climbing.

Retail price

US$ 18.95

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Weight 103 g
Dogbone Size 16 cm long, 18 mm wide
Dogbone Material Polyester­
Dogbone Strength (kN) ­
Top Carabiner Hotwire -
US$ 9.95

Black Diamond Hotwire Carabiner
Bottom Carabiner Hotwire -
US$ 9.95

Black Diamond Hotwire Carabiner

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Black Diamond 2020 Carabiners and Quickdraws