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ProView – Edelrid Swift Protect Pro Dry 8.9mm

Media Review Date
July, 2020
Media Rating
rating 4.8/5
Media Review

Overall, the Swift Protect Pro Dry 8.9 blew my mind.  There is nothing else on the market like it, and I can’t believe that it took rope companies this long to figure something like this out. Since I’ve started climbing, rope innovation has mainly involved them just getting incrementally skinnier.  As a gear nerd, the introduction of aramid has me really excited about what the future of climbing ropes will look like.  I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for the ultimate alpine climbing rope, with the greatest amount of built-in safety available in such a lightweight package.  But I would also recommend it to anyone who sport climbs in an area with particularly sharp rock or just wants that added level of cut resistance.

Media Reviewer