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ProView- Edelweiss Energy 9.55 mm, 70 m

Product Reviewing
Media Review Date
September, 2017
Media Rating
no rating given just a review
Media Review

Overall, I think the Edelweiss Energy 9.5 mm is a great rope and definitely worth the purchase. However, there are some considerations to be made. First, the rope is not dry treated and has no water repellent so take extra precaution when using this rope in wet conditions. Second, after a couple days of use I did not notice any tears however, many areas along the rope sheath have begun to frazzle. Always check your rope before, during, and after use for any tears or signs of being worn out. Finally, I would recommend that the belayer who uses this rope have some prior belaying experience. New belayers may not feel comfortable with how easily the rope moves through the belay device. This is especially true if the belayer primarily climbs indoors where ropes tend to be thicker.

Media Reviewer