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Snap Climbing Grand Wrap Full Open View
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  • Snap Climbing Grand Wrap

Grand Wrap


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This is an extra-large version of the revolutionary Wrap Original crash-pad.
The «tournedos» is an exclusive construction : a reinforcement in ’ballistic’ polyester (1680 deniers, the thickest on the market) goes all the way round the crash-pad. No seams along the edges – try to find a harder wearing pad. Climb or boulder without a backward thought!
This makes the GRAND WRAP relatively soft and comfortable for sitting starts and low falls, but the higher you get and the longer the fall, the more the pad firms up. This is because the PU foam is separated into 24 individual cells, each measuring 30x25x12cm. Each foam cell is enveloped in a taffeta wrap which is lightly pierced. A small fall will cause the air to be driven out through these holes, but not so with a higher fall! In this case the air is retained by the wrap because the speed of impact is higher and the air has not sufficient time to be evacuated. The net result is to have a firmer pad for a higher impact fall. Simple but so effective!
It is a one piece model so no danger of going over on your ankle. Roll it up inside out with a removable shoulder strap that need never touch the underside. The carrying strap has velcro fastenings and is kept shut with three Velcro patches. The strap now has two new metal rings with an opening that easily allows it to be detached and used in one of two ways – on the back or across the shoulder. The topside is in polyester and the underside is non-slip, waterproof and can be easily sponged clean. The padding is in 1cm PU foam. Three carrying handles, three Velcro fastenings and a raised felt SNAP logo to remind you that you are bouldering with both innovation and quality under your feet!

This is an extra-large version of the revolutionary Wrap Original crash-pad.
The «tournedos» is an exclusive construction : a reinforcement in ’ballistic’ polyester (1680 deniers, the thickest on the market) goes all the way round the crash-pad. No seams along the edges – try to find a harder wearing pad. Climb or boulder without a backward thought!
This makes the GRAND WRAP relatively soft and comfortable for sitting starts and low falls, but the higher you get and the longer the... 

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Retail price

US$ 401.61
Price is a static conversion from
€359.90 EUR
Weight (lbs / kg) 27.56 lbs / 12.50 kg
Fold Type Taco
Number of Foam Layers three
Foam Layout 1 cm of PU foam for cushioning, 1.5 cm of EVA high density, 12cm of PU foam.
Fabric Top: 1680D Ballistic Polyester
Bottom: 1680D Ballistic Polyester
Features Side Handle(s)
Backpack Carry
Removable / Hidden Straps
Dimensions (ft / m) 4.92 ft x 3.93 ft x 5.90 in
1.50 m x 1.20 m x 15.00 cm

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