Lightweight helmet
All the time I think "oh shoot I should put on my helmet" when wearing this helmet. It's so light I forget about it. Great for ice and rock, I love the design. It doesn't fit my head great, but I also have a small head. Overall it's an amazing helmet. I gave it one less star because of its decreased durability. Not a wonderful helmet for dragging behind you in chimneys.
Finger lockin good
Totems are an incredible piece of innovation. They changed the aid and free climbing game. A totem placement definitely increases my confidence on a trade route. I've whipped onna bunch of different sizes and they hold well. The narrow head is amazing for pin scars and turns otherwise finicky placements into bomber plug and play cracks. The hype is real.
Fingertips size savior
Totems are an incredible piece of innovation. They changed the aid and free climbing game. A totem placement definitely increases my confidence on a trade route. I've whipped onna bunch of different sizes and they hold well. The narrow head is amazing for pin scars and turns otherwise finicky placements into bomber plug and play cracks. The hype is real.
Mother of micros
Totems are an incredible piece of innovation. They changed the aid and free climbing game. A totem placement definitely increases my confidence on a trade route. I've whipped onna bunch of different sizes and they hold well. The narrow head is amazing for pin scars and turns otherwise finicky placements into bomber plug and play cracks. The hype is real.
Small crack wonder
I love alien cams. The flexible stem allows for safe, easy placements in vertical or horizontal cracks, and the soft alloy really bites the rock when falling. They hold falls for sure (when placed correctly of course) and are an invaluable part of my rack. Get em all!
Out of this world
I love alien cams. The flexible stem allows for safe, easy placements in vertical or horizontal cracks, and the soft alloy really bites the rock when falling. They hold falls for sure (when placed correctly of course) and are an invaluable part of my rack. Get em all!
Finger size (for some)
Love this thin finger sized piece. It has Held many falls for me and works great.
Little lifesaver
I love this cam. It's a great "oh shoot" piece when nothing else will go in.
Ideal Gunks piece
The Fixe Alien revos are a huge improvement over the older style aliens, cutting down on weight and making them hold more KN. I've used the older style a bunch, but the revos are a huge improvement to an already great cam. Perfect for placing in horizontal cracks at the gunks or protecting those finger sized cracks well... anywhere! Taken many a whip on them. They are good to go. They don't have a double axel like others cams, though with cams as small as these you really don't need or want them.