Moon is a company with its roots firmly embedded in climbing. Having been a pro climber for the past 20 years and travelled and climbed with some of the world.s top climbers I decided I wanted to have a say in the design and style of the climbing products I regularly used. I felt that my own experience and what I had learned from others would be of use not only in designing better climbing products but might also help people to get more from their climbing.
Personal experience is the best way to learn something, whether it be learning how to place gear, how to train hard whilst avoiding injury or learning what type of crash pad’s going to work best. All of the climbers involved with Moon have learned through personal experience the answers to these and other questions and maybe you have too. We certainly don’t claim to know everything and we are still learning about stuff ourselves but what we do know we want to share which is why we are doing this.
All of us involved in Moon hope you enjoy what.s on offer on this site and maybe even benefit in some way from the products or information you find here but whatever, thanks for visiting this site, we wish you all the very best with your climbing.
In the immortal words of one of my climbing heros Colin Kirkus…
“Lets Go Climbing”
Ben Moon