
Just about every climber who climbs outside eventually needs to own a tube style device, either for rappelling or cleaning. Which one climbers own is driven by things like ease of use, cheapness and availability. For that there is little reason to step past the brand that every climber knows, Black Diamond. Their hold on the North American climbing market can be at least partially drawn to the ATC line, and as it has moved past household name to the likes of the Kleenex of belay devices, we’..." go to full review

I liked the Mastia, but I think it's fair to say that I've loved the Indalo. Whilst they're ultimately very similar shoes, the Indalo feels like a step up. The fact it's capable of doing a bit of everything (and doing it well) should make this an extremely attractive shoe for someone that's looking to push themselves within a wide variety of rock types and disciplines. The downside is simply that, at £160, this is one of the most expensive shoes on the market. Maybe this is the way things..." go to full review

When we check the WeighMyRack database for the most wanted and owned Ascenders by WeighMyRack users we find the top 3 models in each category are…go to full review

When we check the WeighMyRack database for the most wanted and owned Ascenders by WeighMyRack users we find no hand ascenders in the top 3, but we do find the top 3 models of rope grab / capture pulley’s are…go to full review

There have suddenly been a lot of gloves to choose from in the past few years, which we think is great for climbers. Because they are all around the same price, the options that most people tend to go for are the gloves that are the easiest to find from brands they see the most in the wild. For those who have already tried a particular glove, we find the most wanted gloves are the ones that either iterate on something they’ve already used like the Ocún Lite, or that are pointed at more..." go to full review

When it comes to the the bouldering pads most people want, Organic’s incredibly durable, full featured, fully customizable system are the most attractive to WeighMyRack users. However when we look at the most owned pads out there, we see a range of brands that are all filling a particular niche in the field, from impact absorption, feature list, and price point.go to full review

The Most Wanted helmets tend to be lighter, like the Sirocco and Vapor and/or are some of the better looking helmets. The Most Owned helmets tend to be those that are readily available at all the climbing shops, like the Black Diamond collection which dominates this list.go to full review

The most wanted carabiners tend to be light and/or expensive carabiners. The most owned carabiners tend to be carabiners that are easy to find at most climbing shops. Black Diamond would dominate the most owned list if they had not completely changed their carabiner lineup in 2020.go to full review

Overall there is a reason that Ocúns gloves have been considered a standard in thicker hand protection for years, and it is great to see the issues with previous models being tuned and adjusted to create a quiver of options rather than attempting to create a ‘one glove’ to rule them all. Those who had a chance to use their first iteration should feel good about the Lite fitting like their chunkier ancestors but being more agile in performance with some welcome tweaks.go to full review

Overall the Singing Rock Craggy may seem like a wide aficionado’s dream glove, and something to avoid for anyone with dreams of perfect hands, but that is only part of the story. This glove fits so strangely and feels so different from the rest of the gloves we’ve tried that it can be difficult to recommend without knowing more about a person’s experience and measurements. While traveling around crags and giving folks opportunities to choose any brand they like, it was rare to see people..." go to full review