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The Shaman is an awesome rock climbing shoe that surpassed my expectations. I think it’s Evolv’s best shoe to date and an important step forwards for them in terms of top-shelf climbing shoes. Doing something new is always risky and the Love Bump is a bold move. That said, I think it’s a good innovation and likely to stick. I’m not completely sold on Trax rubber, and I’m not the only one. I find it to perform great on gritty rock but not as well on slippery stone and plastic. Obviously it’s..." go to full review

You’ve probably heard people say, “buy nice or buy twice.” The Genius is expensive—prohibitively so for many people. But if you think about it, is the $20-40 extra you spend on something you’ll wear every time you climb really all that much money? If you love steep rock climbing, you’ll love this shoe. You’ll probably forget how much you spent on it not long after you start using them. Meanwhile, you’ll also probably use them and love them for months to come. One possible problem is that it..." go to full review