Chimera Carabiner
Livewire Carabiner and Quickdraw
Livewire Quickdraw
Ange Carabiners
Comparison Black Diamond Oz vs Petzl Ange
Overall the Mundaka are a very soft pair of shoes which excel at smearing both indoors and out whilst still performing well - up to a point - on edges. They are too unsupportive to be used for climbing routes but they're great for bouldering. If you're looking for something to get the most out of indoor volumes or to give you as much contact as possible on a smear they are a great choice.go to full review
Both these models are high quality and comparatively durable dry treated triple rated ropes. I would recommend a pair of 50m VOLTAs to any climber regularly climbing routes as a three. 9.2mm is my preferred diameter for a work rope when rock guiding, being both durable and a little easier to handle. I have been very impressed with how the VOLTA has worn compared to other similar ropes, and I think this is largely thanks to its high percentage of sheath. The skinnier VOLTA GUIDE is a more..." go to full review
All in all the Black and Orange Totems are excellent additions to the Totem range. The Black Totem is a personal favourite and I almost always carry it due to its size. The Orange Totem is slightly held back by the non-conventional stem which makes it harder to place, although it still has a place on your rack when climbing rock without much friction or if you need the narrow head width.go to full review
We still like some things about the Black Diamond Neutrino, particularly the way the geometry of the carabiner fits so nicely with the original Camalots. However, this model is starting to feel like a heavy dinosaur when compared to some lighter options out there. While it's still a good choice for an aid rack where you want something sturdy that can withstand a lot of use, it's not our first choice for our free climbing rack.go to full review