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There are no significant disadvantages of the Index, and it's a great performer on the wall. Like other types of wall climbing gear, you're likely to feel more comfortable with familiar equipment. The Index provides the Petzl Ascension with some stiff competition and is worth purchasing if the index finger operation is something that you would use. We liked this feature and found the added versatility to be useful.go to full review

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The Kong Lift slides well up the rope, but its cam trigger can only be operated with a thumb and isn't as comfortable as models with molded plastic or rubber triggers. The teeth aren't nearly as aggressive as those of other mechanical models that we tested, but this didn't seem to make a difference during testing. Our testers' chief complaint about the Lift is that the bottom hole is too small to fit a locking carabiner's gate. This isn't a huge issue, but it can be an inconvenience when you..." go to full review

rating 5/5

After getting used to the big 360-degree clip-in hole on the Black Diamond nForce, Chris Mac now really wishes the Petzl had it. Instead, the Petzl has an extra small hole for a quick link. This might be good for caving applications, but Chris has never used it on a big wall nor has he seen anyone else us it. He thinks Petzl should dedicate that real estate at the bottom of the ascender to a bigger clip-in hole. Also, when down jugging, it takes a lot of practice to keep the Petzl from..." go to full review

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Though marginally more bulky than the original the new TIBLOC sits perfectly alongside my MICRO TRAXION on a pulley carabiner as my ‘hope I never have to use it’ crevasse rescue kit. As you can see from the photos the new TIBLOC is actually lighter than a medium length prusik! So; lighter than a prusik cord (won’t abrade/degrade in UV either), grips icy ropes better, lighter than the old TIBLOC, and can be used to increase security simul climbing! If you travel in crevassed terrain or may..." go to full review