Collecting every piece of gear takes a little time.
We think it's worth the wait.

Nice choice!
Give us a moment to collect those options for you.

Comment Policy

Weigh My Rack is a place for people to learn and enjoy interacting around climbing, gear, and a community of people with common interests.

To ensure Weigh My Rack provides a welcoming community, we simply delete comments that do not follow our policy. We have zero tolerance for comments that could be construed as racist, sexist, fatphobic, colonialist, disablist, ageist, or anti-LGBTQ+.

Weigh My Rack Comment Policy

A comment may be deleted by Weigh My Rack staff or authorized moderators without warning or notice. These are the reasons a comment could be deleted:

  1. is unfriendly, impolite, hateful, or degrading to the post author, any other commenter, or towards a group of people
  2. advocates an illegal practice
  3. uses vulgar, profane, or unnecessarily harsh language
  4. is spam or appears to be written primarily to post a link or advertise
  5. infringes on the rights of another
  6. is written anonymously
  7. contains copyrighted material not licensed for distribution on the site
  8. impersonates another user
  9. is off-topic
  10. is doxxing or contains personal information

Note: We do not store, save, or archive deleted comments, which makes it impossible to undo a moderator's choice to delete the comment.

What If I Disagree With Someone?

This is normal, especially when talking about climbing gear. The whole purpose for allowing comments is to allow climbers to share their opinions and knowledge. Please speak up if you disagree with the author of a post or another commenter; HOWEVER, comments should be written earnestly and respectfully (otherwise they risk violating our comment policy).

Learning is important and is often done through disagreement. We highly value curiosity. Discussions and disagreements are welcomed when they are respectful. We will assume impolite comments that do not follow our comment policy are not made in earnest. 

Important Legal Information

The opinions of commenters and guest posters on Weigh My Rack or its social media sites are not those of Weigh My Rack or its owners, managers, employees, or representatives. If a moderator or employee fails to delete a comment, it is not an endorsement of said comment.

The comments on this site or social channels where we interact are not owned by Weigh My Rack and only the individual commenter is liable for its comments.

Any person or person(s) who find a comment or guest post on this site or social channels that violates these guidelines or misuses the intellectual property of another should immediately contact Weigh My Rack at or through DM's on our social channel or website messaging.