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La Sportiva Trango Tower Extreme GTX Review

Product Reviewing
Media Review Date
April, 2019
Media Rating
no rating given just a review
Media Review

Overall the Trango Tower Extreme GTX are great winter climbing boots carrying on the fine tradition of earlier Trango Extreme models. And while the RRP of £345 is hardly cheap, few other B3 boots cost less. At least within their class, the TTEGs are not expensive. They climb very well, in part due to their lightness - but have we possibly put too much emphasis on light weight and forgotten about durability? It's a bit sad to admit, but I love my old pair of Trango Extremes - in part because they've been on so many little adventures with me; mile after mile, day after day, winter after winter. They weigh 250 grams more than the TTEGs - but surely that is acceptable in order to get a decade of use out of a pair of boots? The Trango Tower Extreme GTX are very good boots, and perhaps after a resole they will be the perfect British winter climbing boot.

Media Reviewer