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Edelrid 7.1mm Skimmer Pro Rope
  • Edelrid 7.1mm Skimmer Pro Rope
  • Edelrid 7.1mm Skimmer Pro Rope



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The skinniest and lightest half rope money can buy. The go-to solution for demanding ice and mixed routes or situations where every gram counts.

Retail price

US$ 147.85
Price is a static conversion from
€120.00 EUR
Weight 36.0 g/m
2.380 lbs / 1080 g
Diameter (millimeters) 7.1 mm
Length (meters) 30 m
Rope Type Half/Twin  
UIAA Falls (Single / Half / Twin) 0 falls  / 5 falls  / 18 falls
Dynamic Elongation (Single / Half / Twin) 0.0 % /  32.0 % /  39.0 %
Static Elongation (Single / Half / Twin) 0.0 % /  9.0 % /  5.2 %
Impact Force (Single / Half / Twin) 0.00 kN /  6.10 kN /  10.00 kN
Dry Treatment Sheath & Core ­
Sheath Proportion (%) ­
Sheath Slippage (mm) ­
Type of Middle Mark None
Rope End Marker None
Certification CE, EN
RFID / NFC Option None

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UK Climbing Gear Review no rating given just a review

The Edelrid Skimmers are as about as specialised as ropes get. They aren't really aimed at British trad, and are certainly not a beginner's rope. However, take them to the big mountains and they would shine, their lightness making them perfect for the weight conscious user with the experience to know exactly what they're buying into. Their rating as both half ropes and twin ropes gives them versatility in a number of settings: Alpine ice and mixed; multi pitch sport routes with an abseil descent; granite crack climb adventures; and committing mountain madness in Patagonia. They might find a place on Scottish ice too. At £165 per 60m rope they are by no means a budget buy, but if you have a big trip planned and you're counting every gram, then the Skimmers have to be one of the best options currently available.

WeighMyRack Gear Review First-Hand Review

All the fancy marketing lingo seems to be backed up by a fantastic product; these ropes handle very, very, nicely whether climbing or belaying. Edelrid struck just the right balance between stiffness and suppleness to make tying knots easy, clipping simple, and feeding adequate slack while belaying a leader smooth.

Climbing Gear Reviews UK rating 4/5

By the end of the review period the Skimmers were grubby but undamaged with no more wear apparent than a more conventional double rope. Overall although somewhat specialist and unlikely to last as long as a thicker heavier rope the Skimmers proved versatile and not as ‘niche’ a product as first expected. I wouldn’t recommend them as a first purchase or your only ropes but they are a great addition for the ice and mixed climber. The light weight also means you could consider this for use as a rap line with the benefit that if anything happened to your main rope you’d have a perfectly serviceable dynamic rope as a backup.

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