Roca 9.4mm IO

9.4mm IO 80m


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The Roca IO has everything necessary without superfluous details. The best of our technological know-how for a perfect balance between impact force and fall numbers and a small diameter to guarantee excellent durability. The IO two treatments to the inside and outside - both the core and sheath.

Retail price

US$ 285.00
Weight 60.0 g/m
10.580 lbs / 4800 g
Diameter (millimeters) 9.4 mm
Length (meters) 80 m
Rope Type Single  
UIAA Falls (Single / Half / Twin) 6 falls  /  -  /  -
Dynamic Elongation (Single / Half / Twin) 35.4 % /  - /  -
Static Elongation (Single / Half / Twin) 7.8 % /  - /  -
Impact Force (Single / Half / Twin) 7.70 kN /  - /  -
Dry Treatment None ­
Sheath Proportion (%) ­
Sheath Slippage (mm) 0 mm
Type of Middle Mark None
Rope End Marker None
Certification CE, EN, UIAA
RFID / NFC Option None

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Splitter Choss Gear Review no rating given just a review

In all seriousness, this is a great rope. It feels thicker than other 9.4′s, but the handling is great, and there wasn’t any break in period. It also came kink free, which is always a joy. My last 80m was a nightmare of kinkage from the start, and I was concerned this would be a problem with all longer cords, but this rope has put my fears to rest. Also, the sheath wasn’t overly slick like it is on some new ropes. In fact, I’d have to say one of the best things about the Roca 9.4 was how it was “ready to go” from day one.

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