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Beal 10.2mm Flyer II
  • Beal 10.2mm Flyer II
  • Beal 10.2mm Flyer II

10.2mm Flyer II 50m Classic


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Of modern design, concentrating all the latest BEAL innovations for great handling with relative lightness. STRONG POINTS: • Half-way between the Tiger and the Top Gun, offering a gateway in the progression from classic to super-thin ropes. USES: Multi-purpose climbing.

Retail price

US$ 159.95
Weight 64.0 g/m
7.050 lbs / 3200 g
Diameter (millimeters) 10.2 mm
Length (meters) 50 m
Rope Type Single ­
UIAA Falls (Single / Half / Twin) 10 falls  / 0 falls  / 0 falls
Dynamic Elongation (Single / Half / Twin) - /  0.0 % /  0.0 %
Static Elongation (Single / Half / Twin) - /  0.0 % /  0.0 %
Impact Force (Single / Half / Twin) 7.40 kN /  0.00 kN /  0.00 kN
Dry Treatment None ­
Sheath Proportion (%) 37.0 %
Sheath Slippage (mm) 0 mm
Type of Middle Mark Marking
Rope End Marker None
Certification CE, UIAA
RFID / NFC Option Yes, RFID

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Dream in Vertical Logo

Lizzy has a pink 60m Beal Flyer II which is 10.2 but feels really skinny, more like a 9.8. Lizzy loves it for its soft catch, even though I think it is too stretchy. It handles well but kinks easily due to it’s supple nature. She has had it for many years and I am anxious to turn it into a RUG…

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