Helium 15cm
Still the ultimate on-sighting ‘draw Heliums are the definitive 5 star choice for those who climb with no compromise. In revised colours which quickly identify each length Heliums are now easier to spot when racked and easier to rack.
They feature our new 10mm dyneema and are available in three lengths: 10cm, 15cm and 20cm. Five packs of 10cm draws or mixed lengths are also available.
Clean-wire no-hook gate
New 2mm wire gate
Superlight I beam back
Hot forged
High gate open strength
10mm dyneema
Vice locator
Retail price
This Product is Hard to Find.
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If you know where to find this online in the US, let us know, and we’ll add the link.
No reviews yet.
![Outdoor Gear Lab Gear Review Outdoor Gear Lab Gear Review](https://weighmyrack.com/sites/default/files//legacy_files/images/media_logo/Outdoor_Gear_Lab_Logo.jpg)
The Wild Country Helium is the Aston Martin of quickdraws; smooth and sleek, and really expensive. It's not the absolute lightest draw on the market, but it still keeps the weight down while using full-size carabiners that are stronger than the typical smaller carabiners found on lightweight gear. Its "Clean Wire" carabiners bring the best of keylock and wiregate design to your rack, and it won't ever snag on your gear or rope. If you want the best product around for long routes where success hinges on every ounce, look no further. Our Top Pick for Lightweight excels in the alpine and light and fast environments. But you might cry if you ever drop one or have to leave one on a rappel!
![Rugged Individual Gear Review Rugged Individual Gear Review](https://weighmyrack.com/sites/default/files//legacy_files/images/media_logo/ruggedindividualv13-web-site-header-960_2.jpg)
We first fell in love with these quickdraws on Timewave Zero, the tallest sport climb in North America. After 23 pitches of clipping and unclipping bolts up stellar limestone we were in love. Our previous favorite quickdraws suddenly felt inadequate. We found ourselves hoarding the heliums so we could save them for the difficult spots. When we’d start getting close to the anchors we’d use the heliums the rest of the way so we didn’t waste the opportunity to use them. Everyone who has tried the helium quickdraws really likes them.