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Omega Pacific Classic Keylock
  • Omega Pacific Classic Keylock
  • Omega Pacific Classic Keylock

Classic Keylock 11cm


My vote: None ( 2.6 avg )


No matter if you're a sport, trad, or ice climber, save yourself a little time while upping your safety with the Keylock Classic QuickDraw from Omega Pacific. With the Keylock Classic and straight carabiners facing in opposite directions, you'll run less risk of loading both biners in a gate-open position while you work snag free thanks to the unique keylock design.

Retail price

US$ 21.95
Weight 114 g
Dogbone Size 11 cm long, 12 mm wide
Dogbone Material Dyneema / UHMWPE­
Dogbone Strength (kN) 22 kN
Top Carabiner Classic Keylock -
US$ 8.25

Omega Pacific Keylock Full View
Bottom Carabiner Classic Keylock Bent -
US$ 8.25

Omega Pacific Keylock Bent Full View
( 2.6 avg )
( 2.6 avg )

Wanted to like it

inexpensive and good lookin'
Nose design makes clipping a challenge
WeighMyRack received one of these from Omega Pacific for testing purposes.

So, we were given one of these 'draws for testing along with the Dash Dirtbag 'draws. I immediately gravitated to the this quickdraw as I've used but never owned a keylock draw before. I had high hopes. After only a couple of weeks, this draw started spending most of its time on the ground.

The Dash Dirtbag eclipsed the Classic Keylock in most ways. The problem: the keylock nose is designed in such a way that it meets the body of the 'biner at an almost 90 deg. angle. This makes clipping the 'biner to a bolt hanger a challenge, especially if the threads of the bolt are a little long which requires rotating the carabiner through the hanger. The carabiner doesn't suffer from this problem when unclipping from bolts or harness. I would be inclined to use these draws on non-sport climbs where desperate clips to small bolt-hangers are not the norm. The carabiners' gate action was pleasant and the nice blue anodizing ensures that they look good dangling from your harness. I can't speak the durability yet but given how robust they feel, and our experience with other Omega Pacific carabiner, I wouldn't be surprised if they hold up very well.
Take away: if I could pick these up on sale I'd be tempted to grab them. But I don't think they'd be my first choice if I were going to invest in a new set of keylock draws.

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